Distance Lexis

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Journeying Through Distance

Distance is a fundamental concept used to describe the amount of space between two points or objects. It plays a crucial role in various aspects of life, including navigation, transportation, physics, and everyday interactions.

There are different units of measurement used to quantify distance, such as kilometers, meters, miles, yards, and centimeters, among others. The choice of unit depends on the context and the level of precision required. Overall, distance is a fundamental concept that influences how we perceive space, interact with our environment, and navigate the world around us.


La distance - distance
L'espace - space
La longueur - length
La largeur - width
L'envergure - span
Le kilomètre - kilometer
Le mètre - meter
Le mile - mile
Le yard - yard
Le centimètre - centimeter
Près - near; close; nearby
Loin - far
Étroite - narrow (feminine)
Étroit - narrow (masculine)
Large - wide
Vaste - vast


die Distanz - distance
der Raum - space
die Länge - length
die Breite - width
die Spannweite - span
kilometer - kilometer
die Meter - meter
die Meile - mile
das Yard - yard
die Zentimeter - centimeter
Nahe - near; nearby
Nah - close
Fern - far
Eng - narrow
Breit - wide
Groß - vast


La Distancia - distance
El espacio - space
La longitud - length
La anchura - width
La envergadura - span
Kilómetro - kilometer
El metro - meter
La milla - mile
La yarda - yard
La/el centimetro - centimeter
Cerca - near; close; nearby
Lejos - far
Angosta - narrow (feminine)
Angosto - narrow (masculine)
Ancha - wide (femiine)
Ancho - wide (masculine)
Vasta - vast (feminine)
Vasto - vast (masculine)

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