About This Page

We proffer a better and more interactive way to learn a foreign language.

Experienced teachers or tutors who are native speakers of the languages we offer are readily available to work with you. You can choose from 4 languages Spanish, French, German and English, and there is also an option to take Business English classes.

There are 24-hour Live online classes for beginners, intermediate learners and advanced learners. Accordingly, you can opt to take the hour-long classes whenever is most convenient for you. Furthermore, there are group classes of up to 5 individuals and private classes which are 1-on-1 sessions to choose from; so, you can register for the class type that suits your needs.

Moreover, there is a special program called the Language Sprint Challenge that is available for a few months out of the year. Do not forget to look out for the Language Sprint Challenge because you can SAVE up to 30% when you register for this challenge. The Language Sprint Challenge consists of 15 classes per month. For those who want a little bit more of a challenge there are 30 classes per month with the Super Sprint Challenge. The challenge program will keep you accountable by allowing you to be more committed to the classes that you have registered for and will assist you with making tremendous progress in a quick and timely manner. The best of this is that when you complete the Sprint Challenge, you will be rewarded with 50% of your money back.

For an additional discount, use this referral link when you sign up. A discount code is automatically applied when you sign up through this link.

If you are not completely sure about signing up for the classes, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial and have the experience of taking live classes with us. As a courtesy, you will be contacted before the free 7-day trial is up to remind you of the end date if you do not wish to continue with the classes.

We would love to have you in our classes, so find out how it works by starting a free trial today!

Visit us HERE

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