Exploring Flowers

Photo by: https://pixabay.com/users/ulleo-1834854/

A Botanical Journey

Flowers are indeed a beautiful expression of nature's creativity and beauty! Their vibrant colors, delicate petals, and enchanting fragrances have inspired poets, artists, and lovers for centuries. From the romantic symbolism of roses to the cheerful brightness of sunflowers, flowers hold a special place in our hearts and cultures around the world.

Whether you're admiring a bouquet from afar or tending to a garden full of blooms, the presence of flowers has a unique way of uplifting spirits and bringing joy to our lives. Their fleeting beauty reminds us to cherish the present moment and find happiness in the simplest of pleasures.


La Fleur - flower
La rose - rose
La tulipe - tulip
Le lys - lily
L'œillet - carnation
La marguerite - daisy
Le tournesol - sunflower
L'orchidée - orchid
La lavande - lavender
La jonquille - daffodil
Le zinnia - zinnia
La jacinthe - hyacinth
Le gardénia - gardenia
L'azalée - azalea
Le dahlia - dahlia
Le chrysanthème - chrysanthemum
La pivoine - peony
L'hortensia - hydrangea


die Blume - flower
die Rose - rose
Die Tulpe - tulip
die Lilie - lily
die Nelke - carnation
das Gänseblümchen - daisy
die Sonnenblume - sunflower
die Orchidee - orchid
der Lavendel - lavender
die Narzisse - daffodil
die Zinnie - zinnia
die Hyazinthe - hyacinth
die Gardenie - gardenia
die Azalee - azalea
die Dahlie - dahlia
die Chrysantheme - chrysanthemum
die Pfingstrose - peony
die Hortensie - hydrangea


La flor - flower
La rosa - rose
La/el tulipán - tulip
El lirio - lily
El clavel - carnation
La margarita - daisy
El girasol - sunflower
La orquídea - orchid
La lavanda - lavender
El narciso - daffodil
La/el zinnia - zinnia
La/el jacinto - hyacinth
La/el gardenia - gardenia
La azalea - azalea
La dahlia - dahlia
El crisantemo - chrysanthemum
La peonía - peony
La hortensia - hydrangea

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