School Terminology in German, Spanish and French

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Schooling refers to the formal education process provided within schools or educational institutions. It encompasses the structured learning experiences that individuals undergo from early childhood through adolescence and beyond. Schooling typically follows a curriculum that covers various subjects and is designed to meet educational standards set by governing bodies.

The purpose of schooling is to impart knowledge, develop skills, and foster personal and social development in students. It provides a structured environment where students learn from teachers, interact with peers, and engage in educational activities aimed at their intellectual, emotional, and social growth.


die Bildung
die Schule - school
die Grundschule - primary school
die Mittelschule - middle school
die Weiterführende Schule - secondary school
der Unterricht - lesson/class
Das fach - subject
die Mathematik - mathematics
das Englisch - English
die Wissenschaft - science
die Schreibwaren - stationery
Studieren - to study
An einem Exam teilnehmen - to take an exam
die Hausaufgabe - homework
die Universität - university


La educación - education
La escuela - school
La escuela primaria - primary school
La escuela intermedia - middle school
La escuela secundaria - secondary school/high school
La lección - lesson
La clase - class
El sujeto - subject (masculine)
La sujeto  - subject (feminine)
Las matemáticas - mathematics
El inglés - English
La ciencia - science
La papelería - stationery
Estudiar - to study
Hacer un examen - to take an exam
Los deberes - homework/school work
La universidad - university


L'éducation - education
L'école - school
L'école primaire - primary school
L'école secondaire - secondary school
La leçon - lesson
La classe - class
Les matière scolaire - subject
Les mathématiques - mathematics
L'anglais - English
La science - science
La papeterie - stationery
Étudier - to study
Passer un examen - to take an exam
Devoirs (scolaires) - homework
L'Université - university

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