Essential Toy Terminology and Vocabulary

Play Time

Toys encompass a vast array of objects and playthings designed for entertainment, education, and amusement. Here's a brief overview of some types of toys:

  1. Dolls: Dolls are miniature human or animal figures often used in imaginative play. They can range from baby dolls to fashion dolls to collectible dolls.

  2. Plush Toys: Soft and cuddly, plush toys are stuffed animals made from fabric. They come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, appealing to children of all ages.

  3. Board Games: Board games involve players following set rules to achieve a particular objective, often involving strategy, luck, and competition. Classics like Monopoly, Scrabble, and Chess fall into this category.

  4. Construction Toys: These toys allow children to build and create structures, vehicles, and machines using interlocking blocks, bricks, or pieces. LEGO sets are a prime example of construction toys.

Toys play a crucial role in children's development, fostering creativity, imagination, social skills, and cognitive abilities through play.


El juguete - toy
La pelota - ball
Los bloques de construcción - building blocks
La muñeca - doll
La casa de muñecas - doll house
La ropa de muñeca - doll clothes
El carrito - toy car
El tren - toy train
El oso de peluche - teddy bear
El pato de goma - rubber duck
El camión de juguete - toy truck
Los juegos de mesa - board games
El avión de juguete - toy airplane


Le jouet - toy
Le ballon - ball
Les blocs de construction - building blocks
La poupée - doll
La maison de poupée - doll house
Les vêtements de la poupée - doll clothes
Le petite voiture - toy car
Le train jouet - toy train
L'ours en peluche - teddy bear
Le canard en caoutchouc - rubber duck
Le camion jouet - toy truck
Les jeux de société - board games
L'avion jouet - toy airplane


das Spielzeug - toy
der Ball - ball
der Baustein - building blocksdie
Puppe - doll
das Puppenhaus - doll house
die Puppenkleidung - doll clothes
das Spielzeugauto - toy car
die Spielzeugeisenbahn - toy train
der Teddybär - teddy bear
die Gummiente - rubber duck
der Spielzeuglastwagen - toy truck
die Brettspiele - board games
das Spielzeugflugzeug - toy airplane

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