Verbs Used in Educational Settings

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Actions Done by Students

Classroom verbs refer to the actions that typically occur within a classroom setting. These verbs encompass a wide range of activities related to teaching, learning, and classroom management. These verbs are essential for describing and understanding the dynamic interactions that take place within a classroom, facilitating effective teaching and learning experiences.


Lehren - to teach
Lernen - to learn
Sprechen - to speak
Fragen - to ask
Antworten - to answer
Zuhören - to listen
Wiederholen - to repeat
Verstehen - to understand
Wissen - to know
Denken - to think
Analysieren - to analyze
Diskutieren - to discuss
Teilnehmen - to participate
Studieren - to study
Zum Überarbeiten - to revise
Rezensieren - to review
Üben - to practice
Lesen - to read
Schreiben - to write
Diktieren - to dictate
Buchstabieren - to spell
Zählen - to count
Berechnen - to calculate
Präsentieren - to present
Hausaufgaben machen - to do homework
Um einen Test zu machen - to take a test
Um eine Prüfung zu machen - to do an exam


Enseñar - to teach
Aprender  - to learn
Hablar - to speak
Preguntar - to ask
Contestar - to answer
Escuchar - to listen
Repetir - to repeat
Comprender - to understand
Saber - to know
Pensar - to think
Analizar - to analyze
Discutir - to discuss
Participar - to participate
Estudiar - to study
Repasar - to revise
Revisar - to review
Practicar - to practice
Leer - to read
Escribir - to write
Dictar - to dictate
Deletrear - to spell
Contar - to count
Calcular - to calculate
Presentar - to present
Hacer los deberes; hacer la tarea - to do homework
Tomar una prueba - to take a test
Hacer un examen - to take an exam


Enseigner - to teach
Apprendre - to learn
Parler - to speak
Demander - to ask
Répondre - to answer
Écouter - to listen
Répéter - to repeat
Comprendre - to understand
Savoir - to know
Penser - to think
Analyser - to analyze
Discuter - to discuss
Participer - to participate
Étudier - to study
Réviser - to revise; to review
Pratiquer - to practice
Lire - to read
Écrire - to write
Dicter - to dictate
Épeler - to spell
Compter - to count
Calculer - to calculate
Présenter - to present
Faire des devoirs - to do homework
Passer un test - to take a test
Passer un examen - to take an exam

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