Labor and Post-Labor Delivery Terminology

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Delivery and the Baby

Labor and post-labor delivery encompass the process of childbirth and the immediate period following the baby's arrival. Labor involves giving birth with or without aid through different methods. Post-labor delivery involves immediate care for both mother and newborn, including vital sign monitoring, newborn assessment, breastfeeding initiation, and addressing complications. Healthcare professionals provide crucial support to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby during this period.


El nacimiento - birth
El parto - delivery; childbirth
La cesárea - cesarean section
La anestesia epidural - epidural anesthesia
El nacimiento natural - natural birth
El  parto natural - natural childbirth
El post nacimiento - post birth
La incubadora - incubator
La lactancia - lactation
Amamantar - to breast feed
Mamar - to suckle
Gatear - to crawl
Llorar - to cry
Sentirse cólica/Sentirse cólico - to feel colic (f/m)
Cambiar pañal - diaper change


La naissance - birth
L'accouchement - delivery; childbirth
La césarienne - cesarean section
L'anesthésie péridurale - epidural anesthesia
La naissance naturelle - natural birth
L'accouchement naturel - natural childbirth
L'après-accouchement - post birth
L'incubateur - incubator
La lactation - lactation
Allaiter - to breast feed
Téter - to suckle
Ramper - to crawl
Pleurer - to cry
Ressentir des coliques - to feel colic
Changement de couche - diaper change


die Geburt - birth
die Entbindung - delivery; childbirth
der Kaiserschnitt - cesarean section
die Epiduralanästhesie - epidural anesthesia
die natürliche Geburt - natural birth; natural childbirth
Nach der Geburt - post birth
der Inkubator - incubator
die Stillzeit - lactation
Stillen - to breast feed
Säugen - to suckle
Kriechen - to crawl
Weinen - to cry
Koliken verspüren - to feel colic
Windelwechsel - diaper change

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