Assignments and Tests Vocabulary

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Assessing Academic Proficiency

Assignments and tests are key tools in assessing students' grasp of a subject. Assignments, spanning tasks like essays or projects, bolster learning and foster critical thinking. Tests, conducted within a timeframe, gauge knowledge and skills. Both aid in understanding students' progress, with assignments offering deep engagement and feedback, while tests provide a snapshot of overall comprehension. Skillful use of these tools enables educators to tailor instruction to meet students' needs effectively


Le devoir - assignment
Les Devoirs - homework
Le projet - project
La recherche - research
La présentation - presentation
Le débat - debate
La discussion - discussion
Examen oral - oral exams
Épreuve écrite - written exam
Quiz pop - pop quiz
Mi-sessions - mid terms
Examens finaux - final exams
L'examen de niveau - placement test
Le test de compétence - proficiency test
L'examen à livre ouvert - open book exam
L'examen à choix multiples - multiple choice exam


die Schulaufgabe - school assignment
die Hausaufgaben - homework
das Schulprojekt - school project
die Forschung - research
die Präsentation - presentation
die Debatte - debate
die Diskussion - discussion
die Mündliche Prüfung - oral exams
die Schriftliche Prüfung - written exams
das Pop-Quiz - pop quiz
die Zwischensemester - mid terms
die Abschlussprüfungen - final exams
der Einstufungstest - placement test
die Eignungsprüfung - proficiency test; aptitude test
die Open-Book-Prüfungen - open book exam
die Multiple-Choice-Prüfung - multiple choice exam


La tarea - homework; assignment
El proyecto - project
La investigación - research
La presentación - presentation
El debate - debate
La discusión - discussion
Los exámenes orales - oral exams
Los exámenes escritos - written exams
Los exámenes pop - pop quiz
Los términos intermedios - mid terms
Los exámenes finales - final exams
La prueba de nivel - placement test
Test de proficiencia - proficiency test
El examen a libro abierto - open book exam
El examen de opción múltiple - multiple choice exam

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