Expressions in Spanish, French and German

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Express Yourself

Expressions are linguistic constructs that convey emotions, intentions, and cultural nuances in communication. They serve as tools for expressing feelings, opinions, and social interactions. Expressions can range from simple greetings and farewells to more complex idiomatic phrases and colloquialisms. They play a crucial role in language acquisition, as mastering expressions enhances fluency and cultural competency. Additionally, expressions often reflect the values, customs, and social norms of a particular community or society. Studying and understanding expressions not only facilitate effective communication but also deepen appreciation for the richness and diversity of languages and cultures.


¡Qué interesante! - how interesting
¡Increíble! - incredible
¡Asombroso! - amazing; awesome
¡Guau! - wow!
Eso es maravilloso! - that is wonderful
Fantástico! - fantastic
¡Genial! - great
¡Súper! - super
¡Qué bueno! - how nice
¡Claro! - of course
¡Salud! - cheers; God bless you!
¡Maravilloso! - marvelous


Comme c'est intéressant! - how interesting
Incroyable! - incredible; amazing
Ouah! - wow!
C'est magnifique! - that's wonderful
Génial! - awesome!
Fantastique! - fantastic
Super! - great; super
Comme c'est gentil! - how nice
Bien sûr! - of course
À votre santé! - cheers
Dieu vous bénisse! - God Bless you!
Merveilleux! - marvelous; wonderful


Wie interessant! - how interesting
Unglaublich! - incredible
Das ist erstaunlich! - that is amazing
Wow! - wow!
Das ist wunderbar! - that's wonderful
Ehrfurcht gebietend! - awesome
Fantastisch! - fantastic
Toll - great; super
Wie schön! - how nice
Natürlich! - of course
Prost! - cheers
Gesundheit! - God bless you!
Wunderbar! - marvelous; wonderful

Learn  SpanishFrench and German to converse freely and fluently in the respective languages.  Non-native English speakers have the option to learn English too.  Business English is also available for those who want to sound more professional in business settings.  Click on the link below.

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