Building Vocabulary for Durability

Lexicon for Longevity

Being durable means possessing the quality of withstanding wear, pressure, or damage over time without significant deterioration. Durable objects or materials are resilient, robust, and long-lasting, maintaining their functionality and integrity despite prolonged use or adverse conditions. This quality is essential for products ranging from everyday items like clothing and appliances to industrial equipment and infrastructure, ensuring reliability and longevity in various applications


Durable - durable
Longue durée - long lasting; long duration
À grand rendement - heavy duty
Endurant - tough
Résistante/Résistant - resistant
Robuste - robust; rugged; strong; sturdy
Indestructible - indestructible
Haute qualité - high quality
Incassable - unbreakable
Fragile - fragile; flimsy
Cassable - breakable
Basse qualité - low quality
Délicate/Délicat - delicate


Langlebig - durable
Lang anhaltende - long lasting
Schwerlast - heavy duty
Zäh - tough
Beständig - resistant
Stark - strong
Zerklüftet - rugged
Robust - robust; sturdy
Unzerstörbar - indestructible
Gute Qualität - high quality; good quality
Unzerbrechlich - unbreakable
Zerbrechlich - fragile
Schwach - flimsy
Zerbrechlich - breakable
Geringe Qualität - low quality
Empfindlich - delicate


Duradera/Duradero - durable (f/m)
De larga duración - long lasting (f/m)
Tarea pesada - heavy duty (f/m)
Dura/Duro - tough (f/m)
Resistente - resistant
Fuerte - strong
Escabrosa/Escabroso - rugged (f/m)
Robusta/Robusto - robust; sturdy (f/m)
Indestructible - indestructible
Alta calidad - high quality
Irrompible - unbreakable
Frágil - fragile
Endeble - flimsy
Quebradiza/Quebradizo - breakable (f/m)
Baja calidad - low quality
Delicada/Delicado - delicate (f/m)

Note: f - feminine
m - masculine

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