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The Job Hunt
Finding a job involves identifying suitable opportunities, preparing application materials, and navigating the selection process. It typically begins with self-assessment to determine career goals and skills, followed by researching potential employers and roles. The process includes crafting tailored resumes and cover letters, submitting applications, and participating in interviews or assessments. Success often requires persistence, effective communication, and the ability to highlight relevant qualifications and experience to match the job requirements.
Jobchance - job opportunity
Vorstellungsgespräch - job interview
Bewerbung - application
Bewerber - applicant
Interviewfragen - interview question
Interviewer - Interviewer
Befragter (or Interviewpartner) - interviewee
Lebenslauf - resume
Zertifikat - certificate
Referenzen - references
Leistung - achievement
Stärken - strengths
Schwäche - weakness
Fähigkeiten - skills
Arbeitgeber - employer
Arbeitnehmer - employee
Oportunidad laboral - job opportunity
Entrevista de trabajo - job interview
Solicitud - application
Solicitante - applicant
Preguntas de entrevista - Interview questions
Entrevistador - interviewer
Entrevistado - interviewee
Currículum - resume
Certificado - certificate
Referencias - references
Logro - achievement
Fortalezas - strengths
Debilidad - weakness
Habilidades - skills
Empleador - employer
Empleado - employee
Opportunité d'emploi - job opportunity
Entretien d'embauche - job interview
Candidature - application
Candidat - applicant
Questions d'entretien - interview questions
Intervieweur - interviewer
Interviewé - interviewee
Curriculum vitae (CV) - resume
Certificat - certificate
Références - references
Réalisation - achievement
Forces - strengths
Faiblesse - weakness
Compétences - skills
Employeur - employer
Employé - employee
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