Sensory Perception through Touch Lingo

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Touch Sensation

Touch sensation, also known as tactile perception, refers to the ability to perceive and recognize sensations on the skin's surface or within the body. This includes the sense of pressure, temperature, pain, and texture. It's one of the fundamental senses, allowing us to interact with and understand the physical world around us. Our skin contains various types of receptors that respond to different stimuli, transmitting signals to the brain, where they are interpreted and processed. This complex process enables us to feel sensations ranging from the softness of a feather to the heat of a flame, providing essential information for our survival and well-being


Weich - soft
Hart - hard
Glatt - smooth
Rauh/Rau - rough
klebrig - sticky
Seidig - silky
Samtig - velvety
Schwammig - spongy
Stachelig - prickly
Prickelnd - tingly
Heiß - hot
Warm - warm
Kühl - chilly
Kalt - cold
Eisig - icy
Nass - wet
Trocken - dry
Schleimig - slimy
Scharf - sharp


Suave - soft
Dura/Duro - hard
Lisa/Liso - smooth
Áspero - rough
Pegajosa/Pegajoso - sticky
Sedosa/Sedoso - silky
Aterciopelada/Aterciopelado - velvety
Esponjosa/Esponjoso - spongy
Espinosa/Espinoso - prickly
Hormigueo - tingly
Caliente - hot
Cálida/Cálido - warm
Fría/Frío - chilly; cold
Helada/Helado - icy
Húmeda/Húmedo - wet
Seca/Seco - dry
Babosa/Baboso - slimy
Afilada/Afilado - sharp


Douce/Doux - soft
Dure/Dur - hard
Lisse - smooth
Rugueux - rough
Collant - sticky
Soyeuse/Soyeux - silky
Veloutée/Velouté - velvety
Spongieuse/Spongieux - spongy
Épineuse/Épineux - prickly
Picotement - tingly
Chaude/Chaud - hot; warm
Froide/Froid - chilly; cold
Glacée/Glacé - icy
Mouillée/Mouillé - wet
Sèche/Sec - dry
Visqueuse/Visqueux - slimy
Pointue/Pointu - sharp

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