Simple Directions

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Locations and Directions

Direction is a fundamental concept used to describe spatial relationships and movement relative to a reference point or axis. Direction can be indicated using cardinal directions (north, south, east, west), intermediate directions (northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest), or other descriptive terms.


Localizar - to locate
Aquí/acá - here
Allá/ahí - there
Allí - over there
El norte - north
El sur - south
El este - east
El oeste - west
A la derecha - on the right
A la izquierda - on the left


Localiser - to locate
Ici - here
Là - there
Là-bas - over there
Le nord - north
Le sud - south
L'est - east
L'ouest - west
Sur la droite - on the right
Sur la gauche - on the left


Lokalisieren - to locate
Hier - here
Dort - there
Da drüben - over there
der Norden - north
der Süden - south
der Osten - east
der Westen - west
Auf der rechten - on the right
Auf der linken - on the left
Hier entlang - this way

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