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Facing Hardships
Being poor refers to lacking sufficient financial resources to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It often involves limited access to opportunities, instability, and vulnerability to economic changes, which can lead to hardship and social exclusion.
- Arm – common term for poor
- Bedürftig – needy, destitute; indigent
- Mittellos – penniless; impecunious
- Elend – miserable or wretched
- Verarmt - impoverished
- Geizig - penurious
- Unterprivilegiert - underprivileged
- Von Armut geplagt - poverty-stricken
- Notleidend – suffering hardship
- benachteiligt - deprived, disadvantaged
- Pobre – common term for poor; penurious
- Necessitado – needy
- Indigente – indigent, destitute
- Sin un centavo - penniless
- Inope - impecunious
- Miserable – miserable, impoverished
- Desamparado - underprivileged
- Azotado por la pobreza - poverty-stricken
- Sufriendo dificultades - suffering hardship
- Pauvre – common term for poor
- Nécessiteux – needy
- Indigent – indigent, extremely poor
- Démuni – deprived, destitute
- Sans le sou - penniless
- Impécunieux - impecunious
- Misérable – miserable, impoverished, penurious
- Appauvri - impoverished
- Défavorisé - underprivileged; disadvantaged
- Frappé par la pauvreté - poverty-stricken
- Souffrir des difficultés - suffering hardship
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