Miscellaneous Antonyms Across Languages: Spanish, French, and German

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Contrasting Meanings

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They provide contrast and can be used to highlight differences in characteristics, actions, or concepts. Antonyms are essential in language for creating nuanced communication and conveying shades of meaning. Understanding antonyms enriches vocabulary and helps in effective expression and comprehension.


Ascender - to ascend
Descender to descend
Aparecer - to appear
Desaparecer - to disappear
Ser barata/Ser barato - to be cheap (f/m)
Ser cara/Ser caro - to be expensive (f/m)
Aumentar - to increase
Disminuir - to decrease
Fracasar - to fail
Para triunfar - to succeed
Ser perezosa/Ser perezoso - to be lazy (f/m)
Ser trabajadora/Ser trabajadoro - to be hardworking; industrious (f/m)
Llegar a un acuerdo - to agree
En desacuerdo - to disagree
Construir - to build
Destruir - to destroy
Empujar - to push
Jalar - to pull


Grimper - to ascend
Descendre - to descend
Apparaître - to appear
Disparaître - to disappear
Être bon marché - to be cheap
Être cher - to be expensive
Augmenter - to increase
Diminuer - to decrease
Échouer - to fail
Réussir - to succeed
Être paresseux - to be lazy
Être travailleur - to be hardworking; industrious
Être d'accord - to agree
Être en désaccord - to disagree
Construire - to build
Détruire - to destroy
Pousser - to push
Tirer - to pull


Aufsteigen - to ascend
Absteigen - to descend
Erscheinen - to appear
Verschwinden - to disappear
Billig sein - to be cheap
Teuer sein - to be expensive
Erhöhen - to increase
Verringern - to decrease
Versagen - to fail
Gelingen - to succeed
Faul sein - to be lazy
Fleißig sein - to be hardworking; diligent
Zustimmen - to agree
Nicht übereinstimmen - to disagree
Bauen - to build
Zerstören - to destroy
Drücken - to push
Ziehen - to pull

Note: f- feminie
        m- masculine

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