Fiction and Non-Fiction Genre Vocabulary for Books

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The Diversity of Books


Fictional books are imaginative narratives created by authors. They present stories, characters, and events that are not based on real-life occurrences. Instead, they are products of the author's imagination. In fiction, writers have the freedom to invent characters, settings, and plots, often exploring themes and emotions that resonate with readers. Fictional works can span various genres, including science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery, and more. The primary goal of fiction is to entertain, captivate, and provoke thought or emotion in readers, offering them an escape into different worlds and perspectives.


Non-fiction books are rooted in reality and are based on facts, events, and real-life experiences. They aim to inform, educate, or persuade readers about specific subjects, ideas, or phenomena. Non-fiction covers a wide range of topics, including history, science, biography, self-help, travel, and more. Unlike fiction, non-fiction authors draw from research, interviews, personal observations, and other sources to present accurate and reliable information to their readers. Non-fiction books can provide valuable insights, knowledge, and perspectives on various aspects of the world, helping readers to understand, learn, and grow in different areas of interest.

In summary, while fiction transports readers to imaginary worlds and narratives, non-fiction provides insights into the real world through factual information and analysis. Both types of books offer unique experiences and benefits to readers, catering to different interests, preferences, and purposes.


Fiction - fiction
Fiction littéraire - literary fiction
Science-fiction - science fiction
Fantaisie - fantasy
Mystère - mystery
Thriller - thriller
Romance - romance
Fiction historique - historical fiction
Aventure - adventure
Horreur - horror
Non-fiction - non-fiction
Biographie - biography
Autobiographie - autobiography
Histoire - history
Auto-assistance - self-help
Développement personnel - personal development
Science - science
Mémoire - memoir
Poésie - poetry
Des bandes dessinées - comics


Fiktion - fiction
Literarische Fiktion - literary fiction
Science-Fiction - science fiction
Fantasie - fantasy
Geheimnis - mystery
Thriller - thriller
Romantik - romantic
Historische Fiktion - historical fiction
Abenteuer - adventure
Grusel - horror
Sachbücher - non-fiction
Biografie - biography
Autobiographie - autobiography
Geschichte - history
Selbsthilfe - self-help
Persönliche Entwicklung - personal development
Wissenschaft - science
Memoiren - memoir
Poesie - poetry
Comics - comics


Ficción - fiction
Ficcion literaria - literary fiction
Ciencia ficción - science fiction
Fantasía - fantasy
Misterio - mystery
Suspenso - suspense; thriller
Romántico - romantic
Ficción histórica - historical fiction
Aventura - adventure
Horror - horror
No ficción - non-fiction
Biografía - biography
Autobiografía - autobiography
Historia - history
Autoayuda - self-help
Desarrollo personal - personal development
Ciencia - science
Memoria - memoir
Poesía - poetry
Cómic - comic

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