Scented Spectrum Vocabulary

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Lexicon of Aromatic Diversity

Smell, or olfaction, is one of our primary senses, allowing us to perceive and interpret odors in our environment. It plays a crucial role in our experiences, influencing our memories, emotions, and even behaviors. Our sense of smell is incredibly sensitive and can detect a vast array of scents, from the pleasant aroma of flowers to the unpleasant stench of garbage. Smell is closely linked to taste, as many flavors are actually a combination of taste and aroma. Additionally, our sense of smell can alert us to potential dangers, such as spoiled food or gas leaks. Overall, smell adds richness to our lives, shaping our perceptions of the world around us.


El olor - odor; smell
Olorosa/Oloroso - odorous
El aroma - scent; aroma
Aromática/Aromático - aromatic
Perfumada/Perfumado - scented; perfumed
El perfume - perfume; scent
La fragancia - fragrance
Fragante - fragrant
El hedor - stench
Rancia/Rancio - musty
Acre - acrid; pungent
Rancia/Rancio - rancid
Almizclada/Almizclado - musky
Podrida/Podrido - rotting; putrid
Apestosa/Apestoso - stinky
Maloliente - smelly


L'odeur - odor; smell
Odorante/Odorant - odorous
Le parfum - scent; perfume
L'arôme - aroma
Aromatique - aromatic
Parfumée/Parfumé - scented; perfumed; fragrant
La fragrance - fragrance
La puanteur - stench
De moisi - musty
Âcre - pungent; acrid
Rance - rancid
Musquée/Musqué - musky
Pourriture - rotting
Putride - putrid
Puante/Puant - stinking; stinky
Malodorante/Malodorant - smelly


der Geruch - odor; smell
Wohlriechend - odorous
der Duft - scent; fragrance
das Parfüm - perfume
das Aroma - aroma
Aromatisch - aromatic
Parfümiert - scented; perfumed
Duftend - fragrant; scented
der Gestank - stench; smell
Muffig - musty
Scharf - acrid; pungent
Ranzig - rancid
Moschusartig - musky
Verrottet - rotting
Faulig - putrid
Stinkend - stinky; smelly

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