Descriptive Terms for Flavor

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Expressing Flavors

Taste adjectives are descriptive words used to convey the flavor or quality of food and beverages. They play a crucial role in culinary descriptions, food reviews, and discussions about gastronomy. These adjectives encompass a wide range of tastes, from sweet and savory to bitter and spicy.


Sabrosa/Sabroso - tasty; flavorful; savory
Deliciosa/Delicioso - delicious
Apetitosa/Apetitoso - appetizing
Comestible - edible
Salada/Salado - salty
Dulce - sweet
Azucarada/Azucarado - sugary
Dulzón - sweetish
Agria/Agrio - sour
Amarga/Amargo - bitter
Ácida/Ácido - acidic
Picante - spicy
Caseosa/Caseoso - cheesy
Jugosa/Jugoso - juicy
Gaseosa/Gaseoso - fizzy
Soso - bland; flavorless
Insípida/Insípido - tasteless


Savoureux - tasty; flavorful; savory
Délicieuse/Délicieux - delicious
Appétissante/Appétissant - appetizing
Comestible - edible
Salée/Salé - salty
Doux - sweet
Sucré - sugary
Douceâtre - sweetish
Aigre - sour
Amère/Amèr - bitter
Acide - acidic
Épicée/Épicé - spicy
Mielleuse/Mielleux - cheesy
Juteuse/Juteux - juicy
Pétillante/Pétillant - fizzy
Sans saveur - flavorless
Sans goût - tasteless


Schmackhaft - tasty; savory
Geschmackvoll - flavorful
Lecker - delicious
Appetitlich - appetizing
Essbar - edible
Salzig - salty
Süß - sweet
Zuckerhaltig - sugary
Süßlich - sweetish
Sauer - sour; acidic
Bitter - bitter
Scharf - spicy
Käsig - cheesy
Saftig - juicy
Sprudelnd - fizzy
Geschmacklos - tasteless; flavorless

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