Radiant Descriptors of Vision

Photo by: https://pixabay.com/users/nika_akin-13521770/

Sight's Bright Adjectives

Sight adjectives related to brightness describe the intensity of light or the degree of luminosity of an object or scene. These adjectives help convey the visual impression of how bright or dim something appears. They range from descriptors like "bright," "radiant," and "gleaming" to words like "dull," "dim," and "shadowy," offering nuances in perception that contribute to the vividness of descriptive writing. By employing brightness-related sight adjectives, writers can evoke specific visual atmospheres and enhance the reader's sensory experience.


Sichtbar - visible
Durchsichtig - transparent
Undurchsichtig - opaque
Dunkel - dark
Düster - gloomy
Licht - light
Leuchtend - bright
Klar - clear
Unklar - not clear
Schwach - dim
Bunt - colorful
Glänzend - shiny
Strahlend - gleaming
Funkelnd - sparkling


Visible - visible
Transparente - transparent
Opaca/Opaco - opaque
Oscura/Oscuro - dark; dim
Sombría/Sombrío - gloomy
Claro - light; clear
Brillante - bright; shiny; sparkling
Poco clara/Poco claro - not clear
Vistosa/Vistoso - colorful
Reluciente - gleaming


Visible - visible
Transparente/Transparent - transparent
Opaque - opaque
Sombre - dark; gloomy
Brillante/Brillant - bright; shiny
Claire/Clair - clear; light
Pas clair - not clear
Colorée/Coloré - colorful
Luisant - shiny
Luisante - gleaming
Étincelant - sparkling

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