Sensory Perception of Sound Vocabulary

Perceiving Sound through the Senses

Hearing is the ability of living organisms, particularly humans, to perceive sound. It involves the reception, transmission, and interpretation of sound waves by the auditory system. Sound, on the other hand, is a form of energy produced by vibrations that travel through a medium such as air, water, or solids. Hearing is crucial for communication, music appreciation, environmental awareness, and safety. Understanding the properties and behavior of sound waves is essential in various fields, including physics, biology, psychology, medicine, and engineering.


Audible - audible
Inaudible - inaudible
Écoutable - listenable
Calme; tranquille - quiet
Silencieux - silent
Forte/Fort - loud
Bruyante/Bruyant - noisy
Assourdissante/Assourdissant - deafening
Aigu - high pitched
Grave - low pitched
Mélodieuse/Mélodieux - melodious
Mélodique - melodic
Harmonique - harmonic
Harmonieuse/Harmonieux - harmonious
Étouffé - hushed
Monotone - monotone
Moelleuse/Moelleux - mellow


Audible - audible
Inaudible - inaudible
Escuchable - listenable
Tranquila/Tranquilo - quiet
Silencioso - silent
Alta/Alto - loud
Ruidosa/Ruidoso - noisy
Ensordecedora/Ensordecedor - deafening
Aguda/Agudo - high pitched
Grave - low pitched
Tono bajo - low pitched; low tone
Melodiosa/Melodioso - melodious
Melódica/Melódico - melodic
Armónica/Armónico - harmonic
Armoniosa/Armonioso - harmonious
Callada/Callado - hushed
Monótona/Monótono - monotone
Melosa/Meloso - mellow


Hörbar - audible; listenable
Unhörbar - in audible
Ruhig - quiet
Still - silent
Laut - loud
Geräuschvoll - noisy
Ohrenbetäubend - deafening
Hoher Ton - high pitched; high tone
Hoch gestimmt - high pitched
Tief gestimmt - low pitched
Melodiös - melodious
Melodisch - melodic
Harmonisch - harmonic; harmonious
Leise - hushed
Monoton - monotone
Weich - mellow

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