Descriptive Terms for Resourceful and Confident Individuals

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Confidence in Creativity

Innovative individuals are visionary and creative, able to devise ingenious solutions through resourcefulness and intelligent approaches. They are smart and intuitive, articulating their ideas with confidence and determination. Bold and courageous, they assert themselves in pursuit of their goals, resiliently bouncing back from challenges.


Imaginative/Imaginatif - imaginative (f/m)
Innovant - innovative
Visionnaire - visionary
Créative/Créatif - creative (f/m)
Ingénieuse/Ingénieux - ingenious (f/m)
Débrouillard - resourceful
Intelligente/Intelligent - intelligent; smart (f/m)
Intuitive/Intuitif - intuitive (f/m)
Articuler - articulate
Déterminée/Déterminé - determined (f/m)
Confiante/Confiant - confident (f/m)
Audacieuse/Audacieux - bold (f/m)
Courageuse/Courageux - courageous (f/m)
Assertive/Assertif - assertive (f/m)
Résiliente/Résilient - resilient


Fantasievoll - imaginative
innovativ - innovative
Visionärin/Visionär - visionary (f/m)
kreativ - creative
Genial - ingenious
Findig - resourceful
Intelligent - intelligent
Klug - smart
Intuitiv - intuitive
Artikulieren - articulate
Entschlossen - determined
Zuversichtlich - confident
Kühn - bold
Beherzt - courageous
Durchsetzungsfähig - assertive
Belastbar - resilient


Imaginativa/Imaginativo - imaginative (f/m)
Innovadora/Innovador - innovative (f/m)
Visionaria/Visionario - visionary (f/m)
Creativa/Creativo - creative (f/m)
Ingeniosa/Ingenioso - ingenious; resourceful (f/m)
Inteligente - intelligent; smart
Intuitiva/Intuitivo - intuitive (f/m)
Articular - articulate
Determinada/Determinado - determined (f/m)
Segura/Seguro - confident (f/m)
Atrevido - bold
Valiente - courageous
Asertiva/Asertivo - assertive (f/m)
Resiliente - resilient

Note: f - feminine
          m - masculine

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