Value and Cost Terms in Spanish, French and German

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Value and Cost: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Value refers to the worth or importance of something, often reflecting its usefulness, quality, or significance. It can be both tangible (like the monetary worth of an item) and intangible (like emotional or cultural significance). High value implies something is worth a lot, either financially or in terms of its contribution.

Cost, on the other hand, represents the price or amount of resources (money, time, effort) required to obtain or maintain something. It’s a measurement of what you give up in exchange for a good or service. Cost can vary based on availability, quality, and demand.

In essence, value is about the perceived worth, while cost is about the actual expenditure. Something can have a high cost but offer little value, or have great value while being inexpensive.


Value: Valor
Valuable: Valioso
Worth: Valor
Price: Precio
Cost: Costo
Priceless: Inestimable
Invaluable: Invaluable
Costly: Costoso
Expensive: Caro
Pricey: Caro
High-end: De alta gama
High-value: De alto valor
Cheap: Barato
Exorbitant: Exorbitante
Over-priced: Sobrevalorado


Value: Valeur
Valuable: Précieux
Worth: Valeur
Price: Prix
Cost: Coût
Priceless: Inestimable
Invaluable: Inestimable
Costly: Coûteux
Expensive: Cher
Pricey: Cher
High-end: Haut de gamme
High-value: De grande valeur
Cheap: Bon marché
Exorbitant: Exorbitant
Over-priced: Trop cher


Value: Wert
Valuable: Wertvoll
Worth: Wert
Price: Preis
Cost: Kosten
Priceless: Unbezahlbar
Invaluable: Unschätzbar
Costly: Teuer
Expensive: Teuer
Pricey: Teuer
High-end: Hochwertig
High-value: Hochwertig or Von hohem Wert
Cheap: Günstig
Exorbitant: Unverschämt teuer
Over-priced: Überteuert

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