Synonyms for Because in French, German and Spanish

Because It Matters

The word "because" is a conjunction used to introduce a reason, explanation, or cause for something. It connects two clauses, where the second clause provides the rationale or justification for the statement made in the first clause. "Because" helps clarify why something happens or is the way it is, making it a fundamental word for expressing causality in language.


  1. Parce que - Because
  2. Car - For, because
  3. Puisque - Since
  4. Étant donné que - Given that
  5. Du fait que - Due to the fact that
  6. À cause de - Because of
  7. En raison de - Due to
  8. Vu que - Considering that
  9. Par suite de - As a result of
  10. En conséquence de - As a consequence/result of
  11. Grâce à - Thanks to
  12. Pour la raison que - For the reason that
  13. En raison de - On account of; because of


  1. Weil - Because
  2. Denn - For, because
  3. Da - Since, because
  4. Gegeben dass - Given that
  5. Aufgrund der Tatsache dass - Due to the fact that
  6. Wegen - Because of
  7. Aufgrund/Infolge von  - Due to
  8. Angesichts - Considering that
  9. Infolge - As a result of
  10. Als Folge von - As a consequence of
  11. Dank - Thanks to
  12. Aus dem Grund dass - For the reason that
  13. Wegen - On account of; because of; due to


  1. Porque - Because
  2. Por - For
  3. Ya que/Puesto que/Como - Since
  4. Dado que - Given that
  5. Debido a que - Due to the fact that
  6. A causa de - Because of
  7. Debido a - Due to
  8. Considerando que - Considering that
  9. Como resultado de - As a result of
  10. A consecuencia de - As a consequence of
  11. Gracias a - Thanks to
  12. Por la razón de que - For the reason that
  13. A causa de - On account of; because of; for
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