Antonyms for Small Amounts

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Exploring the Opposite

Antonyms for "a lot" describe quantities that are small, insufficient, or limited. These terms convey the absence or lack of a substantial amount, often indicating scarcity or minimal presence. Using these antonyms helps to express reduced amounts or deficiencies, contrasting with expressions of abundance and large quantities.


A little: Un peu
A few: Quelques
Scant: Rare / Faible
Sparse: Épars / Peu nombreux
Minimal: Minimal
Insufficient: Insuffisant
Limited: Limité
Scarce: Rare
A small amount: Une petite quantité
A tiny bit: Un tout petit peu
A shortage: Une pénurie
Hardly any: Presque pas
Maigre: Meagre
Un tant soit peu / Un modicum: A modicum


A little: Ein bisschen
A few: Ein paar
Scant: Knapp
Sparse: Spärlich
Minimal: Minimal
Insufficient: Unzureichend
Limited: Begrenzt
Scarce: Knapp
A small amount: Eine kleine Menge
A tiny bit: Ein kleines bisschen
A shortage: Ein Mangel
Hardly any: Kaum etwas
Mager: Meagre
Ein Minimum / Ein bisschen: A modicum


A little: Un poco
A few: Algunos / Unos pocos
Scant: Escaso
Sparse: Disperso / Escaso
Minimal: Mínimo
Insufficient: Insuficiente
Limited: Limitado
Scarce: Escaso
A small amount: Una pequeña cantidad
A tiny bit: Un poquito
A shortage: Una escasez
Hardly any: Casi nada
Escaso: Meagre
Un mínimo / Un poco: A modicum

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