A Few Illnesses and Injuries Vocabulary

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No More Injuries or Illnesses, Please!

Aches and pains can result from a variety of factors, including physical strain, injury, illness, stress, or other underlying health conditions.

If you're feeling unwell due to an illness, it's essential to take care of yourself and seek appropriate medical attention if necessary.


Le virus - virus
La maladie - illness; sickness; disease
La blessure - injury; wound
La douleur - ache; pain
La contusion - bruise
La fracture - fracture
La maladie infectieuse - infectious disease
La déshydratation - dehydration
L'infection - infection
Le saignement - bleeding
La nausée - nausea
Vomir - to vomit
L'allergie - allergy
L'asthme - asthma
La crampe musculaire - muscle cramp
La toux - cough
La grippe - flu
Le mal de gorge - sore throat
La fièvre - fever
Des frissons - the chills
Le mal de tête - headache
Maux d'estomac - stomachache
Le mal aux dents - toothache


der Virus - virus
die Erkrankung - illness; sickness; disease
die Verletzung - injury
Schmerzen - ache; pain
die Wunde - wound, scar
die Prellung - bruise
die Fraktur - fracture
die Ansteckende Krankheit - infectious disease
die Dehydrierung - dehydration
die Infektion - infection
die Blutung - bleeding
der Brechreiz - nausea
Sich erbrechen - to vomit
Allergie - allergy
Asthma - asthma
der Muskelkrampf - muscle cramp
der Husten - cough
die Grippe - flu
der Halsentzündung - sore throat
das Fieber - fever
Schüttelfrost - the chills
die Kopfschmerzen - headache
die Magenschmerzen - stomachache
die Zahnschmerzen - toothache


El virus - virus
La enfermedad - illness; sickness; disease
La lesión - injury
El dolor - ache; pain
La herida - wound
El morete - bruise
La fractura - fracture
La enfermedad infecciosa - infectious disease
La deshidratación - dehydration
La infección - infection
El sangrado - bleeding
La náusea - nausea
Vomitar - to vomit
La alergía - allergy
El asma - asthma
El calambre muscular - muscle cramp
La tos - cough
La gripe - flu
El dolor de garganta - sore throat
La fiebre - fever
Los escalofríos - the chills
El dolor de cabeza - headache
El dolor de estómago - stomachache
El dolor de diente - toothache

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