Computer Vocabulary in Spanish, French and German

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Computers and Modern Technology

Technology and computers have evolved significantly over the years, shaping the way we live, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. Computers are fundamental devices in the modern world, playing crucial roles in various aspects of daily life, business, education, and research. Computers are versatile tools that have revolutionized how we work, communicate, learn, and solve problems, contributing significantly to the advancement of civilization. Overall, technology and computers continue to shape our world, driving innovation, enabling new possibilities, and presenting both opportunities and challenges for society.


La tecnología - technology
El ordenador; la computadora - computer
La tableta - tablet
El ordenador portátil; la computadora portátil - laptop
La impresora - printer (feminine)
El impresor - printer (masculine)
El ratón - mouse
El teclado - keyboard
El disco duro - hard drive
La tecla - key
La pantalla - screen
Los altavoces - speakers
La cámara - camera
El micrófono - microphone
Los auriculares - headphones
Apagar - to turn off
Encender - to turn on
La aplicación - application (app)
Subir - to upload
Descargar - to download
Guardar - to save
La contraseña - password


La technologie - technologie
L'ordinateur - computer
La tablette - tablet
L'ordinateur portable - laptop
L'imprimante - printer (feminine)
L'imprimant - printer (masculine)
La souris; la souris d'ordinateur - mouse
Le clavier - keyboard
Le disque dur - hard drive
La clé d'ordinateur - computer key
Lécran (d'ordinateur) - screen
Les enceintes d'ordinateur - speakers
La caméra - camera
Le microphone - microphone
Le casque (à écouteurs) - headphones; headset
Éteindre - to turn off
Allumer - to turn on
L'application - application (app)
Télécharger - to upload; download
Enregistrer - save
Le mot de passe - password


die Technologie - technology
der Computer
die Tablette - tablet
der Laptop - laptop
die Druckerin - printer (feminine)
der Druckerin - printer (masculine)
die Maus - mouse
die Tastatur - keyboard
die Festplatte - hard drive
die Computertaste - computer key
der Bildschirm - computer screen
der Lautsprecher - speakers
die Kamera - camera
das Mikrofon - microphone
die Kopfhörer - headphones
Ausschalten - to tun off
Anmachen - to turn on
die App - app
Hochladen - to upload
Herunterladen - to download
Speichern - save
das Passwort - password

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