Question Words in Translation

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Question Words Fundamentals

Question words, also known as interrogative words, are essential elements in forming questions in natural language. They are used to inquire about specific information and are typically placed at the beginning of a question.

Question words are fundamental in communication as they help gather information, clarify uncertainties, and engage in meaningful dialogue. They are versatile and can be used in various contexts to seek specific information.


Fragewörter - question words
Wer - who
Was - what
Welche - which
Wo - where
Wann - when
Warum - why
Wessen - whose
Wem - whom
Wie - how


Palabras de pregunta - question words
Quién - who
Qué - what
Cuál - which
Dónde - where
Cuándo - when
Por qué - why
Cuyo - whose
A quién - whom
Cómo - how


Mots interrogatifs - question words
Qui - who
Quoi/quel - what
Lequel - which
Où - where
Quand - when
Pourquoi - why
Dont - whose
À qui - whom
Comment - how

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