Essential Kitchenware and Utensils Vocabulary

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Wares for the kitchen

Kitchenware refers to the tools, utensils, appliances, and other equipment used in preparing, cooking, serving, and storing food in a kitchen. These items can range from basic necessities like pots and pans to specialized gadgets for specific culinary tasks.

When selecting kitchenware, it's essential to consider factors such as durability, ease of cleaning, heat conductivity, and compatibility with different cooking surfaces. Additionally, choosing high-quality kitchenware can enhance the cooking experience and contribute to better culinary results.


Los utensilios - utensils
La cuchillería - cutlery
El plato - plate
El bol - bowl
EL vaso - glass
La copa - cup
La taza para té - tea cup
El tenedor - fork
La cuchara - spoon
El cuchillo - knife
La espátula - spatula
La cuchara para servir - serving spoon
El tenedor para servir - serving fork
El cucharón - ladle
La olla - pot
La cacerola - pan
El sartén; el sartén para freír - frying pan


Les ustensiles - utensils
La coutellerie - cutlery
L'assiette - plate
Le bol - bowl
Le verre - glass
La tasse - cup
Las tasse à thé - tea cup
La fourchette - fork
La cuillère - spoon
Le couteau - knife
La spatule - spatula
La cuillère de service - serving spoon
La fourchette de service - serving fork
La louche - ladle
La casserole - pot; pan
La poêle à frire - frying pan


das Utensilien - utensils
das Besteck - cutlery
der Teller - plate
die Schüssel - bowl
das Glas - glass
die Tasse - cup
die Teetasse - tea cup
die Gabel - fork
der Löffel - spoon
die Messer - knife
die Spatel - spatula
der Servierlöffel - serving spoon
die Serviergabel - serving fork
die Kelle - ladle
der Topf - pot; pan
die Bratpfanne - frying pan

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